What is Aura-Soma?

Aura-Soma is a Self-Selective Non-Invasive Soul Therapy. At the heart of it are the Equilibrium Bottles. These bottles contain energies of herbs, essential oils, colour – light and crystals. They are a living energy. There are now 122 different combination colour bottles. The top half of the bottle is oil based and the bottom half water based.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul and when looking at the coloured bottles we see ourselves at a very deep cellular level. It is a means by which we can connect to the essence of who we really are, and to our own truth. Each colour is an aspect of pure white Light: all the different colours making up a whole as in the Rainbow. We are beings of light.

equiibrium bottles

Where did the name Aura-Soma come from?

Aura means light. Soma means the body (Greek) or the being (Aramaic). In Sanskrit Soma relates to living energies.

Aura-Soma connects the light to the body. It speaks of "the being of light within" and of "the living energies of light that surround us."

Aura-Soma was created by Vicky Wall and now Mike Booth continues to run and develop the Aura-Soma system which is based in Tetford, Lincolnshire.

Aura-Soma Products

For a full list of all the products available please see the websites below.

Aura-Soma website: www.aura-soma.net
Aura-Soma Academy: www.asiact.org
Sarah Hurst is the Distributors for Aura-Soma in the UK:
www.11essence.co.uk  email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How I came to study Aura-Soma

book coverI had been reading Vicky Wall's excellent book, the Miracle of Colour Healing. At the same time my late husband was seriously ill in Intensive Care and was told it could be weeks or months before he made any progress. I got in touch with Aura-Soma who told me which bottles I could use on him and the doctors agreed I may do so. This resulted in a very good recovery which seemed magical at the time.

One of the bottles used was the Etheric Rescue, Bottle 26, Orange/Orange. This is always recommended after an operation or shock as it helps to get one back together again. It is used in a special way down the left side of the body. Interestingly enough this is the most commonly selected bottle!

I then decided I needed to learn more about Aura-Soma and I am now an Aura-Soma Practitioner. At one point, when I was taking the bottles to exhibitions, it was fascinating to see that people who came for a Consultation, and who had previously had an Aura Colour Reading, chose the same colours as was in their auric field. We recognise ourselves through colour! We are colour beings.

Vicky Wall (inventor of Aura-Soma)

vicky wallAura-Soma was conceived through Vicky Wall who devoted her life to the service of others for over 40 years. In 1983 Vicky had been told in a meditation to "divide the waters". She had no idea what this meant and was up for three nights before the first of these beautiful bottles emerged. She was blind at the time and the inspiration was given to her in a recurring vision of waves of colour that she was able to ground upon the third night when the Balance bottles (now Equilibrium bottles) were first created. Vicky Wall died in 1991 and Aura-Soma is now practised all over the world.

Vicky was born the seventh child of a seventh child into a strictly orthodox Jewish family. Her father, being a Kabbalist, was only able to communicate this understanding to his sons. Her mother died in childbirth and Vicky was brought up by a Nanny who was cruel to her. She left home at sixteen.

From childhood Vicky was able to see Auras. She was very close to her father who could also see auras and she was able to talk to him about it.

They used to go for walks together and he used to point out the different flowers and what they were for. After she left home she never saw her father again and this was a great blow to her.

She was taken in by an Apothecary – an elderly man who trained her in the use of herbs. This was a very happy time for Vicky. In time she became a practising Herbalist, Pharmacist and then a Chiropodist.

She continued to be able to see auras and, when she lost her sight in later years, this ability became stronger than ever. It was at this point that the Aura-Soma bottles were conceived. It was also at this point in her life that her father died.

Initially she had no idea what the bottles were for. She used them to help support the shelves containing foot and body creams that she was making and selling at Fairs. She could see the auras of the people as they came up to her stand. She noticed people picked the bottles that related to the colour of their aura.

It was not until people started coming back to her to tell of healings they had received after using the bottles that it became apparent how powerful the energies in the bottles were. Aura-Soma is now practised all over the world.

colour rose smaller

Colour has always been with us. Some of us dream in it. We furnish our homes with it. We express how we feel through it. Some colours we wear make us feel good and others are "just not us at all". Wearing a particular colour can give a signal e.g. the dark blue city suit shows authority.

We all use it in our everyday language without realising it: He is true to his colours – Someone is off colour – A colourful character - feeling browned off – a golden opportunity – feeling blue – gold at the end of the rainbow.

colour manWe are colour beings – we are beings of light. Matter is light vibrating at different frequencies and these frequencies have a particular colour vibration.

Red is the first colour to emerge from the infra-red end of the spectrum and has the longest wavelength and the slowest frequency of all the colours. Violet is the last of the visible colours before the energy moves into the ultra-violet and beyond. It has the shortest wavelength and highest frequency. See the picture of the Aura-Soma Hue-Man. You will see that each area of the body responds to different colour frequencies.

Aura-Soma Consultation

four bottles

The Aura-Soma Consultation process helps one connect more deeply to one's soul essence of who you really are and what you are here to do. You will be asked to select four Equilibrium Bottles. By looking at the flow and energy of the different coloured bottles it is possible to obtain a deeper understanding of where you are on your path right now. One of the bottles will give an indication of your mission and purpose in this lifetime. Another will indicate your potential gifts and talents and how to enhance these as well as some of the challenges that you might have met along the way – our challenges can turn into our greatest gifts. There will also be an indication of how things are right now and we can look at the energies coming in from the future.

It is generally recommended that one of the 4 bottles selected should be used therapeutically on the body. Working with the Equilibrium Bottles is a process of slowly opening up our consciousness to a higher level of being. The bottle selection will also indicate which pomander and quintessence it might be beneficial to use.

Vicky Wall used to describe the Equilibrium Bottles as "having a very dear friend". She described using the bottles as "holding that dear friend in your arms and embracing them".
The oils are used around the circumference of the area to which the particular colour relates. See the Aura-Soma Hue-man on the Colour page.

The Aura-Soma Consultation usually lasts about an hour. The cost of a consultation is £60.00

To make an appointment please contact Lindel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Pomanders are used within the electromagnetic field surrounding the physical body. They are essentially protective – cleansing, refreshing and strengthening to the energy field. They act as filters, letting through the positive aspects of the colour and dissuading the aspects which may be negative for the person using them at the time. They have a wonderful fragrance and contain 49 herbal extract and crystals.


How to use:

Place 3 drops in the palm of your left hand – rub your hands together and pass them through your aura, front, back and sides, inhale deeply. Use as often as you like.

Deep Red vitality, recharge your batteries
Red energy and enthusiasm
Coral love and wisdom
Orange recover from any shock or stress
Gold wisdom and joy
Yellow fun and laughter
Olive Green open heart and truth
Emerald Green space and decisions
Turquoise creativity and playfulness
Sapphire Blue peace and communication
Royal Blue infinite possibilities
Violet calm mind
Deep Magenta serving humanity
Pink love and self-acceptance
White clarity and new beginnings

The Quintessences relate to the Master Equilibrium Bottles (Bottles nos. 50 – 64) and are invocative. When we need to ask a higher source for help and guidance, the quintessence transforms those energies, which are of a very high vibration, down to a level at which we can access them. The quintessence colour would depend upon the kind of guidance you are seeking. The quintessences can be used to help you with meditation, prayer, contemplation, taking you to a still place, connecting you with the Source of Universal energy. Here is a selection of a few of the quintessences.


To use:

Place three drops on your left wrist. Rub your wrists together and pass them through your aura – like being enfolded in angels' wings. Inhale deeply and use as often as you like.

El Moyra Thy Will be done through me
Kuthumi Working with the angels and devas
Lady Nada Unconditional love
Hilarian Your deepest truth
Serapis Bey Purification and new beginnings
The Christ Re-energising, deep protection
St Germain Transformation
Pallas Athena Beauty and creativity
Orion and Angelica Complete and re-begin
Lady Portia Mercy and non-judgment
Lao Tsu and Kwan Yin Compassion and deep insight
Sanat Kumara & Lady Venus Kumara Bringing the Divine into everyday
Maha Choban Inner guidance – feeling side
Djwal Khul Seeking the truth
The Holy Grail & the Solar Logus Integration and healing
Beamer Light Pen
beamer light pen

The Aura-Soma Beamer Light Pen system, Auracolor Light, was developed in 2001 by Shanto Dorecy in collaboration with Dr Robert Abrahamson, a Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist. The Beamer Light pen is utilised in order to illuminate the acupuncture organ and meridian system via the electromagnetic fields of the human aura. Light communicating with the cells of the body brings awareness to our potential and gifts on a soul level.

The System is based on ancient Chinese theories (Yin and Yang – the Five Element Theory and the wisdom of the body. Chi energy flows along the body's energy channels, the meridians. The meridians regulate our body and our psychological and emotional functions. This ancient understanding is combined with the Aura-Soma wisdom, the self-selective, non-intrusive approach, by introducing the colours of the four bottle selection made by the client.

Shanto organises courses around the world – for details please see www.auracolorlight.com

Beamer Light Pen, Shanto Dorcey Interview YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuFKXFh7C5A